Tuesday 6 January 2009

Relaxing at the Beach

After what was an exceedingly busy second half of 2008 at work, I was delighted to be invited to the Kenyan Coast by friends from church for New Year. The Coast is one of the places in Kenya that you can really, really relax. And that’s just what I did! Five days of really not doing very much at all – reading, swimming, snorkelling, eating, a few walks along the beach or out on the reef, enjoying my friends’ company, and sleeping. It was just perfect! What a blessing to have the Coast here as my local beach (okay, not that ‘local’ – we were a full day on the road getting there and back). It was never too hot, with a very pleasant breeze blowing off the Indian Ocean most of the time (also serving to keep mosquitoes away), but plenty warm enough to still be sitting outside at 11pm in shorts and a strappy top. The food was great (freshly caught lobster, crab, prawns and fish), the pool was inviting, the sea was warm (in some patches resembling a warm bath!), the fish were plentiful and so colourful, the company was great. It was a wonderful way to end 2008 and see 2009 in. For New Year itself, we were on the beach under a star-studded sky with glasses of sparkling wine, enjoying fireworks, though the best one was the shooting star that we saw. What a blessing!

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