Thursday 4 October 2012

'First' Impressions

I’ve been back in Nairobi for 3 days after 5 months in the UK and US. A good time to make observations on things here, before they become ‘normal’ again. So, what are my first impressions?
• Dust and dirt. The streets are dirty, with lots of loose dirt and stones. Everything soon gets coated with fine brown dust.
• Various sounds:-
    o Dogs barking at night in my neighbourhood. One starts; others join in; it all builds up; and then, suddenly, it all stops, and peace returns.
    o The raucous calls of Hadada Ibis, flying overhead.
    o The thunderous sound of lorries bouncing down the pot-holed road.
    o Cockerels in the morning.
    o A thud in the tree outside my flat, as a Sykes Monkey leaps down from the roof into the branches.
• Potholes. People say they have them in the UK. They don’t!
• Road construction, and the resulting detours onto remarkably unsmooth, undulating, roughly hewn alternatives, making the drive to the shopping centre feel more like an off-road rally, than just nipping out to the Kenyan answer to Sainsburys or Tesco!
• Driving through red traffic lights, because it’s what you do – at least at some of the roundabouts. Knowing just which ones is an art form!

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